Improving patient experience
Male health
Content + Patient literacy
The Task
Testogel is indicated for the treatment of hypogonadism due to testosterone deficiency in men. It is a long-term therapy and application needs to become a natural part of a patient’s daily routine, with maximal benefits often seen beyond 12 months. Our task was to create an app to help patients to visualise and track their progress and to instil confident, regular use of a treatment.
The Testogel treatment tracker app was adapted and localised to the UK with a new design and additional functionality.
It included tools to:
Track daily applications
Enter lab results
Appointment reminders
View tracking history
We added new content, including patient stories and tips about how to establish a routine, and how to use the new pump dispenser.
The final version for upload to the Google Play and Apple App stores. It was available to download in both stores for any patient prescribed Testogel.
By enabling patients to track their daily applications of the topical gel, record their testosterone levels and access a media library, the app enhanced the treatment experience, and consequently improved compliance and treatment optimisation.